Soffit Inlet Covers

11.30.2023 | News, Product

soffit cover

Soffit covers are common in newer homes that are designed to cover the roof truss ends.  They give the home a finished look and usually incorporate some type of ventilation for the attic space. This is the typical location for an Inaba Denko America Soffit Inlet cover (SP). There are however other applications where the SP would be a perfect fit for a clean-looking install.

Let’s think “out of the box” for a minute.

soffit cover

Photo Credit: Minisplitmuzzy207 (IG)

When the refrigerant piping comes through a ceiling and down into the living space, the SP can be used along with Slimduct™ SD to be placed at the top where the piping enters the space. When the refrigerant piping enters from a side-wall entering the space, the SP can be used at that point of entry as well. This allows for a finished look that cannot be achieved by using caulk around the piping.

Another interesting way to use the SP is when an HVAC outdoor unit is place below a deck with the refrigerant piping penetrating the deck and up to the indoor unit on the outside wall. In this case, the SP would lie at the bottom of the Slimduct™ SD providing a clean and neat appearance at the deck level.

Contractors will often recommend using an SP as it is perfect for VRF, mini split, and standard ducted split systems. Watch an engaging and short video on how to install it below:

When installing through ceilings, walls and floors/decks, the structural integrity of the building should be considered. Ensuring the weight of the system being installed does not compromise the structural integrity of the building is critical.  Always consult your local code authority when making any structural changes to a new, or existing structure.

One of the key benefits of installing an HVAC unit above the ceiling is that it helps to free up valuable floor space. This can be particularly advantageous in buildings where space is often at a premium such as in tiny home construction.

A benefit of installing an outdoor HVAC unit under a deck is that it frees up spaces to be used for outdoor activities such as grilling, or just relaxing.

Like with all installations, code compliance is key and in the absence of a code authority, you are to follow the manufacturer’s installation instructions.  If those two happen to conflict, the most stringent of the two is followed.

Hiring a skilled HVAC contractor to properly design and install HVAC systems is paramount. Their designs will consider proper load calculations and code requirements are met during the installation and final equipment startup.





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